Different ways to pay your rent - find out what works best for you
If you are a social housing tenant, we will use your rent to fund the housing services you receive. It is important that everyone pays rent in full and on time so that we can afford to deliver services such as repairs and improvements.
Your rent is due as soon as the tenancy starts, even if you do not move into the property straight away.
You can choose to pay your rent weekly or monthly but you must make regular rent payments in advance.
Can my rent change?
Each year, we review all our rents and yours may change. If your rent changes, we will write to you giving you at least four weeks’ notice.
Where and how can I pay my rent?
There are a number of ways:
By standing order through your bank
By internet banking
You can discuss the best way for you to pay your rent with the AHA Manager.
What if you are unable to pay?
You need to contact the AHA Manager straight away to make arrangements to catch up with the payment. You will be advised how much your minimum payment will be.
We recommend that you contact Citizen's Advice Bureau for assistance with budgeting and money management (go to 'struggling to pay?').
What if you get into rent arrears?
The AHA Manager will contact you by phone, in writing or in person to discuss your arrears. You can then make arrangements to pay off an agreed amount every week. If you stick to that arrangement, we will simply monitor the account.
If your arrears do not go down, you will be in breach of your Tenancy Agreement and you may be in danger of losing your home. We will also seek to recover the money owed. We will take action through the courts and this will add to your debt.
Getting into a situation where you are in arrears will also affect your ability to transfer to another property.
Can I be evicted for rent arrears?
Yes. Many people don't realise that although we see it as a last resort, we do evict people for rent arrears.
If I end my tenancy with arrears on my account what will happen?
The debt will not disappear. You must pay it off or we will still take action against you, even though you are no longer our tenant.
It is important to remember that you have to pay arrears before you can be considered for any future social housing.
How can you get current information about the status of your rent account?
You can contact the AHA Office by phone or email and we will send you a statement of your rent account.