An Allocations Officer from States Housing or the GHA will contact you to say that a property is available.
The Allocations Officer will ask if you would like to be considered for this.
If you accept the property, then the Allocations Officer will hand your file over to the States Housing Officer for that development who will get in contact to arrange a viewing.
Can I decline a property?
States Housing and the GHA will allow you to refuse a property if you can show that moving into the property would not suit you current situation. You will need to advise in the writing on your reasons for refusal no later than 48 hours of being offered the property. Please section 10.0 Reasonable ground for refusal of offers of accommodation in the Allocations and Eligibility Policy.
If States Housing and the GHA feel that your reasons for refusing the property are unreasonable (see section 11.0 Unreasonable grounds for refusal of offers of accommodation in the Allocations and Eligibility Policy, then your application will be redated and you will be moved to the bottom or the waiting list in your band.
What happens if I keep on refusing properties?
After three refusals, you will be removed from the waiting list and will need to wait 12 months to make a new application.